Saturday, November 25, 2017

I Adore You

Have I mentioned today
That I adore you
I mean that genuinely 
To the person I see
But I only know
The half of you 
That protects me
From the half I don't. 

You look weak 
To the casual observer
Who missed the bit
When you chased
The demands away
They'll be back,
I know
Because you all share a home 

Please don't go
No I can't make you stay
I haven't got any strength 
Your insane
I like the rain, 
When I'm under a roof 
And your falling again
Climb back, 
I promise to wait

I make and analogy 
For every episode 
Goats, paper boats,
Falling trees in my dreams
Alone, I got time to kill...
That was a pore choice of word
Alright, sleep tight
Call me when you 
Come back to life

Pills are a joke
An ignorant coat
Sayin 'how is your day' 
Really, your soul
Bled out fully by noon
Be polite 
Take the prescription 
Never fill it
When your fully addicted 
They'll just lock you away
At the end of the day
They'd rather have you for a headcount
in the penal system
Than a member of the voting population. 

A stitch of time
That's all it is
Then we'll be back to
Netflix on the couch
Make dinner, be sinners
All the usual stuff
Dreaming out future plans
Like we have it all to ourselves

Have I mentioned today
That I adore you.